Our Christmas charity fund raising effort has provided donations to two charities this year. The organisations provide support for homeless people in Bristol. Volunteers from each work tirelessly throughout the year to provide Bristol's homeless with resources and shelter.
Caring at Christmas
Caring at Christmas is run by Caring in Bristol and aims to help those experiencing homelessness at Christmas.. This year the project will be located at the Trinity Centre and the Julian Trust Night Shelter from the 23rd of December to the 1st of January. Volunteers provide day and night time support offering shelter, food, clothing and social activities for people in need in Bristol. The project has been running for over 30 years and relies on support from volunteers and public donations.
HelpHomelessBristol aims to build relationships with those currently without a home and to raise awareness to get their voices heard. The HHB volunteers take to the streets and deliver hot food, non-perishable foodstuffs, clothes and personal items to homeless people. We collected Christmas socks, toiletries, sweets, crisps and drinks for distribution over the festive period.
Fantastic response from the team
The Brighton Williams team responded with their usual gusto to the appeal. Lots of bags and boxes of warm clothing, rucksacks, foodstuffs, sleeping bags and craft items were brought in to the office. So many items were collected our staff that we struggled to find somewhere to store them all. Overall, we collected two full car loads of donations which were delivered to the Julian Trust Night Shelter. A further boot-full of items was taken to HelpHomelessBristol.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the Brighton Williams team for their generosity and enthusiasm.

A small selection of items donated by the Brighton Williams team.