What if things go wrong and I want to make a complaint?


You should be aware that there is an element of risk with all investments. Changes in market conditions could mean that you may not always get back the whole amount that you invest.

However, if you believe that we have given you advice that has led to you purchasing a product that turns out to be unsuitable for your needs and your agreed risk profile, then you should contact us in the first instance.

We have an internal complaints procedure and we will always take your case very seriously. We will try our best to resolve any issues with you, however if you are still unsatisfied, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) which has the power to award compensation, if found necessary.

Complaints should be directed to: Sharon Brighton, Compliance Manager, Brighton Williams & Partners, 8 High Street, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1JN. You can contact us by telephone on 01454 773690 or email us at enquiries@brightonwilliams.com

The Financial Ombudsman Service provides information on how to make a complaint to them on their website www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk